Contact dermatitis in a hand of a two (2) years old girl from wearing of bead bangle

Contact dermatitis and super-impose infection in the left ear of a male from Nickel earring
Contact dermatitis is a red itchy rash caused by substances that comes into contact with your skin. The rash isn’t contagious or life-threatening, but it can be very uncomfortable.
Possible causes include soaps, cosmetics, fragrances, jewelry and plants. Such as poison ivy or poison oak. Some people are exposed to substances at work that may cause contact dermatitis.
Contact dermatitis usually occurs on areas of your body that have been directly exposed to the substance. The reaction usually develops within minutes to hours of exposure to an irritating substance or allergen
Sign and Symptoms
• Red rash or bumps.
• Itching, which may be severe
• Dry, cracked, scaly skin, if your condition is chronic.
• Blisters, draining fluid and crusting.
• Swelling, burning or tenderness.
Contact dermatitis is caused by a substance you are exposed to that irritates your skin or triggers an allergic reaction. The substance could be one of the thousands of known allergies and irritants. Some of these substances may cause both irritants contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis.
IRRITANT CONTACT DERMATITIS: Is the most common type. This non allergic inflammatory reaction occurs when substance damages your skin’s outer protective layer.
• Solvents
• Rubbing alcohol
• Bleach
ALLERGIC CONTACT DERMATITIS: Occurs when substances to which you’re sensitive (allergen) triggers an immune reactions in your skin. It only affects the area that comes in contact with the allergen. But it may be triggered by something that enters your body through foods flavorings, medicine, or medical or dental procedures.
• Nickel, which is used in jewelry
• Medications such as antibiotic cream & oral antihistamines.
• Personal care product such as creams & soap.
OCCUPATIONAL CONTACT DERMATITIS: refers to rashes resulting from exposures to allergies or irritants on the job. Certain occupations and hobbies put you at higher risk of this type of contact dermatitis
Example includes:
• Health care workers and pharmaceutical industry employee.
• Metal worker.
• Construction workers.
Contact dermatitis can lead to the following complications:
• Chronic itchy, scaly skin.
• Infection.
• Avoid irritants & allergens.
• Wash your skin.
• Wear protective clothing or gloves.
• Apply an iron-on patch to cover metal fasteners next to your skin.
• Apply a barrier cream or gel.
• Use moisturizer.
• Take care around pets.
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