What is Obstructed Inguinal Hernia?

An inguinal hernia occurs when tissue, such as part of the intestine, protrudes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles, it becomes obstructed Inguinal hernia when the bowel is trapped and obstructed but viable. Serious danger lies in its progression to strangulated hernia. The resulting bulge can be painful, especially when you cough, bend over or lift a heavy object. Summarily, this content is aimed at unravelling Basic Medical information that is very useful about obstructed Inguinal Hernia.

Both men and woman have inguinal canals. In men, the testes usually descend through their canal by around a few weeks before birth. In women, each canal is the location of passage for the round ligament of the uterus. If you have a hernia in or near this passageway, it results in a protruding bulge. It may be painful during movement.

Causes of Obstructed Inguinal Hernia

Some obstructed inguinal hernias have no apparent cause. Others might occur as a result of:

  • Increased pressure within the abdomen
  • A pre-existing weak spot in the abdominal wall
  • Straining during bowel movements or urination
  • Excessive toning or bleaching of skin, most especially, lower abdominal skin layer
  • Exposure of body to strenuous activity
  • Pregnancy – one of the causes in women
  • Chronic coughing or sneezing
  • Weaken abdominal wall or poor closure of peritoneum at birth
  • Aging: weakening of abdominal muscles at old age

Symptoms of Obstructed Inguinal Hernia

The known symptoms of inguinal hernia will be seen before it become obstructed inguinal hernia. They cause bulges along the pubic or groin area that can appear to increase in size when you stand up or cough. This type of hernia may be painful or sensitive to the touch.

Other symptoms may include:

  • Pain when coughing, exercising, or bending over
  • Burning sensations
  • Sharp pain
  • A heavy or full sensation in the groin
  • Swelling of the scrotum in men

Other types of Inguinal Hernias

Inguinal hernias can be indirect or direct, incarcerated, or strangulated.

  1. Indirect Inguinal Hernia: An indirect inguinal hernia is the most common type. It often occurs in premature births, before the inguinal canal becomes closed off. However, this type of hernia can occur at any time during your life. This condition is most common in males.
  2. Direct Inguinal Hernia: A direct inguinal hernia most often occurs in adults as they age. The popular belief is that weakening muscles during adulthood lead to a direct inguinal hernia. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), this type of hernia is much more prevalent in men.
  3. Incarcerated Inguinal Hernia: An incarcerated inguinal hernia happens when tissue becomes stuck in the groin and isn’t reducible. This means it can’t be pushed back into place.
  4. Strangulated Inguinal Hernia: Strangulated inguinal hernias are a more serious medical condition. This is when intestine in an incarcerated hernia has its blood flow cut off. Strangulated hernias are life-threatening and require emergency medical care.

Treatment of all Inguinal Hernia 

  • Surgery is the primary treatment for inguinal hernias. It’s a very common operation and a highly successful procedure when done by a well-trained surgeon.
  • Inguinal herniorrhaphy
  • Laparoscopic inguinal

Prevention and outlook of inguinal hernias

Although you can’t prevent genetic risk factors, it’s possible to reduce your risk of occurrence or the severity of abdominal hernias. Follow these tips:

  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Eat a high-fiber diet such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains contain fiber that can help prevent constipation and straining.
  • Quit smoking cigarettes.
  • Avoid heavy lifting.

What we offer at ALTH

Inguinal hernia changes to obstructed case if left unattended to which pose a greater treat to life than the former, therefore, it pertinent to timely seek for medical bail out as at when do. Upon noticing the symptoms, we advise:

  • Timely present yourself for medical check at our hospital; CLICK HERE TO SEND US A MAIL
  • Avoiding lifting heavy object
  • Quit smoking as it poses greater danger hence, deteriorating the condition
  • Shun manipulative mechanism or local treatment which can lead to worsen condition

Why YOU should use US:

  • Similar experience in diagnosing an obstructed inguinal hernia
  • Careful examination with thorough medical operation
  • Huge tendency of safety after successful medical operation
  • There is a team of trained and professional medical personnel
  • Careful and hygienic wound dressing after the operation to avoid abscess or any form of complication