What is high blood pressure?

To start with, you may need to be informed about what is generally term as high blood pressure or hypertension: this is the visible increase in the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls from the heart (a pumping machine). The heart pumps blood into the arteries (a blood vessel) that carry the blood throughout the body. This increase shoot beyond the normal range and hence, making it high.

or abortion depending on the management of the condition, severity and rate of reoccurring.

Why does maternal hypertension differ from other hypertensive conditions?

Maternal hypertension (high blood pressure during pregnancy) can impact the body in different ways than it normally would. Mothers with high blood pressure during pregnancy are at a higher risk of complications before, during and after the birth. Not only is the mother’s health in danger, but the baby can be impacted by high blood pressure during pregnancy.

High blood pressure during pregnancy can affect the development of the placenta, causing the nutrient and oxygen supply to the baby to be limited.

This can lead to:

  1. Early delivery or Incomplete delivery
  2. Low birth weight
  3. Placental abruption: The placenta pulls away from the wall of the uterus, causing distress to the baby and the bleeding in the mother
  4. Fetal abortion
  5. Miscarriage
  6. Emergent or urgent caesarian section
  7. and other complications for the baby, such as anatomical or physiological deformities and for the mother, it may be:
  8. Stroke in the mother
  9. Maternal seizure
  10. Intrauterine growth restriction
  11. Prone to cardiovascular problem
  12. Liver failure
  13. Kidney problem
  14. Blood clotting problem

Conditions that predispose mother to maternal hypertension

It not just a usual occurrence as there are cases without the condition either before, during or after pregnancy, however, there are underlying factors that make a pregnant woman to be more susceptible and vulnerable, it includes:

  1. Is under age 20 or over age 40
  2. Has a history of chronic hypertension (high blood pressure before becoming pregnant)
  3. Has had gestational hypertension or preeclampsia during past pregnancies
  4. Has a family history of gestational hypertension
  5. Has diabetes or gestational diabetes
  6. Is overweight or obese
  7. Impair immune system, such as lupus
  8. Has kidney disease
  9. Is expecting multiple babies
  10. Had in vitro fertilization

How to minimizing the risk of complication

It demands a good management from a versatile and qualify health care delivery, our hospital is one in thousand you can bank on. The following are means of reducing the complications:

  1. Keep to your prenatal appointments: Visit your health care provider regularly throughout your pregnancy.
  2. Take your blood pressure medication as prescribed: We’ll closely monitor your condition before prescribing a medication. You have history of maternal hypertension. Make haste in visiting us.
  3. Stay active: Avoid being idle or morbid, stay active by engaging yourself in some physical activities as it may be outlined by the doctor.
  4. Eat a healthy diet: Don’t just eat, a eat well, balanced with fruit and vegetables
  5. Avoid alcohol or smoking or any illicit drug. Know your limit